Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 2

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  John 16:33

I read this verse on another blog and thought.. Hey that's for us!!  He already did it.. all we have to do is trust.. and GO.  Yesterday I got home and John had pizza made.. Well of course I ate two pieces.  And it was the yummy, deep dish, cheesy kind that is oh so irresistible.  Then he had some ice cream and well I kind of finished it off. :(  But.. then I went over to a friends and dyed her hair and then we went walking.  We walked for a good hour.  Mostly chatting but better than sitting and letting all that food slosh around!  We discussed our pasts, talked about how friends come and go and how we both feel about God.  She is a cool chik and I am glad God put her in my life.  I woke up at about 10 after 6 this morning.. Stayed in the word ( in bed too) until almost 7 and decided to walk to work.  I left about 7:15 arriving at work at 7:40.  Felt good to walk, with the morning sun on my face and watching everyone race in their cars.. Speeding in school zones ( I am sure I have done it ) and trying to win the race.. The one where they receive a perishable wreath.  Now I am not saying that all those people were doing that but it made me think.. I rush and rush through life and for what?  Why?  I believe it's because I get overwhelemed and think that everything has to get done.. but then I don't give myself enough time to do everything.  Job pleads to God  "If only you would hide me in the grave and conceal me till your anger has passed! If only you would set me a time and then remember me!" Job 14:13  God doesn't do that though.. He doesn't let us hide from life or run from time.  We have to face it everyday.  24 hours.  That is what we have to work with.  EVERYDAY.  So how will we utilize our gift of life?  Today I inventoried books.  All day long ( besides checking facebook and my blog ) and it's not like it was the most invigorating thing I've ever done.  At times I would get the urge to tell someone how bored I was.  And I did.  Yes , I was negative and it hurts.  I hate spending my time in negativity, but ya know.. sometimes I feel like Job.. ( even though I have never dealt with anything near his problems ) and I just wanna say.. Hey God..can you please do something?  I feel like He is there, but man is He quiet.  So I will continue.. and work as if I am working for Him.  Because one day ( very soon I hope ) He will talk, tell me where to go, show me what to do and I will say.. I'm ready.  Until then.. I am being refined.  So I woke up early, I got some exercise in ( and prayer as I walked which is great!! Just watch out for the cars!! ) and I have watched my mouth all day ( kind of easy when there is no ONE to talk to) .  Yesterday I slipped a few times.  Once in reference to a great book and then talking about someone from my past.  I should have done better but I am learing to hold it back.. little by little. The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just. Psalm 37:30  I hope I can be that man.  Well I think they are referring to mankind.. so I hope I can be that person! :)  So a pretty good night, a pretty good day.. and trying harder along the way.  Thanks everyone for reading and I hope you are hearing truth, being challenged yourself and that your walk with our Lord gains closeness all day long.  BTW  the ice cream was butter crunch.. ohhhh so good. But you didnt hear it from me. ;)

With much love

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